Date: Saturday - March 20, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Winnipeg City Anti-Racism Week March (21-27) 2021
A Special Webinar by Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) & Rotary Club Of Winnipeg Peace Builders Committee.
Guest Speakers:
visit www.crric.org for viewing
Date: Friday - March 26, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Winnipeg City Anti-Racism Week March (21-27) 2021
Date: Saturday - March 27, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Winnipeg City Anti-Racism Week 2021 -' Shine a light into the darkness'
HOSTED BY :Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC) & Rotary Club of Winnipeg Peace Builder Committee (RCWPC)
Guesr Speaker:
Tony McAleer Author and Co-Founder of Life After Hate
visit www.crric.org for viewing
Date: Thursday - April 8, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online - Streamyards
The webinar would be hosting two professional women in the field of environmental studies, Dr. Shirley Thompson and Mrs. Natalija Vojno. They would be sharing their experience in working with youth and NGO's. They would also be sharing some of the challenges and opportunities that they encountered while working for the environment.
To watch the event:
Conflict and Resilience Research Institute Canada(CRRIC)
Date: Friday - May 21, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: 34 Rosewood Place
You can have a Camino experience - walking with intention - that is COVID safe right close to home. Begin each day with a half hour ZOOM program to set your intention for a long walk each day. Winnipeg participants will all walk the same route each day starting when and where they want. Reconnect in the evening by ZOOM to share stories and reflections. Each day we walk a different river on well marked route. Total 50 kms.
Registration URL: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/walking-winnipegs-rivers-2021-tickets-150111101345?aff=ebdssbeac
Registration Fee: $100. Donations welcome and tax receipts issued over $100. Flexible rates also.
Date: Saturday - May 29, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Livestream on Facebook and YouTube
Rebuilding the Anti-Nuclear Movement
To view the event go to :
Date: Wednesday - June 2, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Online - ZOOM
The Present, an Oscar-nominated short film streaming on Netflix, portrays the daily obstacles facing Palestinians in the West Bank through the experiences of a Palestinian father and his daughter as they go to buy an anniversary gift for his wife.
We aim to create a space to share thoughts and feelings surrounding the film, to take a deeper look at the intricacies and nuances of Palestinian and Israeli experiences as depicted in the film, and to examine the film’s potential in the context of peacebuilding. Please watch the film ahead of the discussion. It is available to view on Netflix.
Registration: https://mcc.zoom.us/j/92174474158?pwd=UkxUSWQ3bXN2dnhUeWYrMnFKRmpVZz09
Date: Friday - June 4, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Stream - Facebook
Lessons from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Target Audience:
First Nations, Inuit and Métis former Indian Residential School (IRS) students, their families, communities, religious entities, former school employees, government and the people of Canada
To join:
Digital URL: https://tinyurl.com/58y8dba6 (Facebook)
https://tinyurl.com/8hcdr3rh (YouTube)
Date: Saturday - June 12, 2021
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Online - ZOOM
Bring the world together, peace begins with hope, faith, and smiles. We are all different shades of the same colour Anti-racism's Let's people know they are not alone on this Earth
Our aim is to explore awareness about peace within ourselves, in our community, and globally
Date: Monday - June 28, 2021
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Online – Facebook live
Conversation on Working from Within and Outside the System
To join:
https://tinyurl.com/58y8dba6 (Facebook)
https://tinyurl.com/8hcdr3rh (YouTube)
Date: Friday - September 10, 2021
Time: All Day
Location: Winnipeg City Hall, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg
There is no ceremony at the City Hall
Winnipeg City Hall, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg
Date: Monday - September 13, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online
Folk Songs and Stories Rising from Memory Giving us Peace and Happiness. Kept us connected to the families and friends in isolation created by Covid 19.
It is a free event open to public.
Organisation: The Young and old Creative Club
Date: Tuesday - September 14, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM
The Manitoba Council for International Cooperation invites you to join us for our next Lunch & Learn, Innovation on the Road to Equality. This event will feature two innovative education projects funded by the Fund for Innovation & Transformation, with the Change for Children & Canada Students Offering Support. Cliquez ici pour l'inscription en français.
Learn how Canada Students Offering Support (SOS) is testing an innovative approach to improving educational performance and retention among rural Mayan youth, especially girls, in Guatemala, using student-driven ‘learning circles’ supported by e-learning technologies. These learning circles will be led by trained Indigenous youth (aged 13-21) who will mentor students in grades 4-6 to encourage academic reinforcement and improved educational outcomes.
Register here:
Date: Tuesday - September 14, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Marina Cantacuzino, The founder of The Forgiveness project will provide an introduction . Louisa Hext the executive director for North America for the project will moderate a dialog with Bjorn Ihler .He is a Peace activist who chairs the global internet forum to counter terrorism independent advisory committee .
Target Audience: Academics and the general public
live broadcast at 12:00 PM CDT: https://tinyurl.com/58y8dba6 (Facebook) >>> https://tinyurl.com/8hcdr3rh (YouTube)
Date: Wednesday - September 15, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM
Date: Thursday - September 16, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Date: Friday - September 17, 2021
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: In- Person or independently in their school community
Due to the deep concern for our children being in contact with a carrier of covid, the Rotary Elementary School Peace Walk planning committee has made the difficult decision of cancelling this year’s walk. In lieu schools will recieve a brand new video that was filmed in the CMHR with two exceptional elementary school students talking about the impact of the residential schools. The video will be an excellent tool to help schools plan events for Peace Days within a framework of Every Child Matters and the upcoming Orange Shirt Day on September 30th.
Rotary Club of Winnipeg Peace Builder Committee in collaboration with Rotary 5550 World Peace Partners, CCUNESCO, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and Manitoba Education are organizing the 8th Annual Rotary Elementary School Peace Walk. This year’s theme ‘Every Child Matters’ is significant in teaching our children the power of using their voices in the promotion of Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. Due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic in our country, this September we are offering two ways for schools to participate in the Elementary School Peace Walk:
Date: Saturday - September 18, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Online – Facebook live
It is nearly a decade now such a festival is being organized, and since last year it has also been shared by Montreal Rotary clubs. Please find the details of the past festival here: https://www.peacedays.ca/ You can find CRRIC's 2020 events here in this festival : https://www.crric.org/past-events/. Its webinars can be found here: https://www.crric.org/crric-video-archive/ CRRIC being an event participant in this upcoming festival, plans to arrange a webinar to hear from you directly about the challenges and opportunities in the field of peace, conflict, justice studies, since students from Bangladesh often arrive here to pursue degrees. Winnipeg is the only city in Canada, which hosts three distinct Universities that offer graduate and Ph.D. level courses in this discipline. Besides academic programs, your institution also offers practicum studies, which might be of great interest to a broader audience. On the other hand, BRAC and NSU in Bangladesh have taken important academic initiatives about the Rohingya crisis that is of interest to the Canadian audience. Our proposed event could showcase some of the cross cutting peacebuilding works.
Date: Saturday - September 18, 2021
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: ZOOM
Be The Change event is online this year. We share the rich variety of our cultures through presentations, music and video records of local representatives.
Target Audience: Open for all.
Date: Sunday - September 19, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
live broadcast at 7:00 PM CDT: https://tinyurl.com/58y8dba6 (Facebook) >>> https://tinyurl.com/8hcdr3rh (YouTube)
Date: Tuesday - September 21, 2021
Time: All Day
Location: Online
Participating students Enter a photo of what you envision peace to look like in your own mind. e.g. family, friends, nature, pets, school/community .
Four Prizes each will be awarded to the winners to be donated to a registered charity of their choice.
Date: Tuesday - September 21 to Saturday - October 2, 2021
Time: All Day
Date: Tuesday - September 21, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: 151, avenue de la Cathedrale
Organisation: Catholic Health Association of Manitoba
Website: Cham.mb.ca
Facebook: Facebook.com/CHAM.mb.ca
Exercise to build understanding about our shared history as Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people’s in Canada by walking through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance.
Event Registration:
Kairos Blanket Exercise
Registration URL: HTTPS://www.eventcreate.com/e/kairosblanketexercise
Registration Fee: 10.00
Date: Wednesday - September 22, 2021
Time: 7:00 AM
Location: Online
A Call has been made by the Turtle Lodge for a Global Sunrise Ceremony next Wednesday September 22, 2021. JOIN us in your area, through your way of doing ceremony, to unify as the human family, for this Global Sunrise Ceremony on the day of the Equinox! *These spiritual efforts are needed more than ever and must take the lead in our global efforts to address climate change.* We are very much looking forward to the initiation of this act of spiritual unity. We will be coming together at Sunrise to honour the Grandfather Sun and Mother Earth, seeking their guidance as Mother Earth prepares to give birth to a new life. We hope you will join us in this collective act of unity, conducting a Sunrise Ceremony in your area at your respective Sunrise, as we greet the sun in Ceremony, offering our prayers and intentions on the day of the Fall Equinox on Turtle Island (North America), in a Spiritual Call to unite Humanity. There is a spiritual light placed in every living being, visibly expressed in the sun. It is through aligning with the great forces of the sun that we seek a return to the Spirit: the guidance and strength to live the original instructions we were all given as human beings. Please spread the word and invite those in your circle to join us as we offer our prayers and do this ceremony in our own unique traditions in a collective way. We invite you to join us in this Prayer offered in Gratitude by Elder Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey and Elder Dr. Dave Courchene (Nitamabit/Nii Gaani Aki Inini) To the Great Mystery, who is known by many names, whose vision we call Creation, thank you for breathing your Spirit into Mother Earth and for bringing her to life and for imbuing all living beings with your shimmering Light. Humanity has fallen asleep and neglected our sacred duty to care for your Vision of Creation. Today we call upon the forces of the Universe, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon, and the Earth, to help awaken humanity to our original instructions. Led by the Spirit and the love we have for all our children and the land, it will be through a collective, unified approach that we will be guided to walk in a good way, and find the help we need to bring back a sacred understanding of life. It is through our humility and gratitude to the Great One and the wonders of the Great Spirit that we place all children at the centre of our efforts, united in One Love, as One Voice. In our hearts we believe in Love, the greatest force we all have, that connects us to all of Creation. We realize that as the Earth brings changes, we must change. We must all become People of the Heart. Kinanaakomigo Manitou! With gratitude to our Great Creator!
Registration: http://www.turtlelodge.org/event/global-sunrise-ceremony/
Organisation: Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness
Website: www.theturtlelodge.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Turtle-Lodge/120821970855?ref=ts
Date: Wednesday - September 22, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
live broadcast at 7:00 PM CDT: https://tinyurl.com/58y8dba6 (Facebook) >>> https://tinyurl.com/8hcdr3rh (YouTube)
Date: Thursday - September 23, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Online - ZOOM
Gary Senft Co- founder of Peace days festival in dialog with Marilyn Turkovich executive director of the Charter for Compassion organization .
Registration :
Date: Thursday - September 30, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: ZOOM
In recognition of Orange Shirt Day, Rotary Club of Winnipeg Honouring Indigenous Peoples (HIP) committee in collaboration with Peace Builder Committee will host a special event featuring Brad Regehr on Truth and Reconciliation
The event will take place virtually on Thursday, September 30, 7:00 – 8:00 pm CDT (Winnipeg).
Speaker : Brad Regehr, Immediate past President, Canadian Bar Association
Brad's bio :
Date: Saturday - June 25, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Online
Join us for personal stories, music, poetry and conversation from Palestine, that center education as a tool for peacebuilding for a transformed future. The event is hosted by An Najah National University in Nablus, West Bank and includes Palestinians located in the heart of historic Palestine. MCC Manitoba and Mennonite Church Canada Palestine-Israel Network and Mauro Center (Univ of Manitoba) are co-sponsors. This event is being promoted by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
Registration URL: zoom link:
https://najah.zoom.us/j/92760039752?pwd=QnZnd1hMU3YySS9WUFJ4cUY0UEVYQT09Webinar ID: 927 6003 9752 Passcode: 028685
Registration Fee: Free
Date: Tuesday - July 19, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: On line / live stream
A case of Ukraine war
Join at :
Date: Tuesday - September 13, 2022
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual
register here :
We're getting ready our next Canada Chat, the last one was a success and we decided to have one every 5-6 weeks, and the time has come to set it up!
These chats are for who ever turns-up, there's no fixed schedule, it's a space for networking and getting to know other members and partners of the Charter, what they are doing or would like to do, as well as for us to answer your questions.
The date for the next Canada Chat is on Tuesday, September 13th, at 3 pm PDT, 4 pm CDT, 5 pm EDT, and 6 pm ADT.
Date: Tuesday - September 13, 2022
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: On line
Live streaming at:
Date: Wednesday - September 14, 2022
Time: All Day
Location: Winnipeg City Hall, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg
CANCELLED : Winnipeg City Hall, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg
Date: Wednesday - September 14, 2022
Time: 12:15 PM
Location: Rotary Club of Winnipeg- RBC Convention Centre
Target Audience: Rotary Club members
Event Desc:
Making Music Work in Conflict Resolution - The Case of Ukraine War
Accessible: y
Public Consent: y
Event Registration:
No registration required
Registration URL: N/A
Registration Fee: No cost
Organisation: Darcy Ataman, CEO Make Music Matter
Date: Thursday - September 15, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Location and Address of Event: Hindu Temple, 999 St. Anne’s Road, Dr. Raj Panday Hindu Cultural Centre, South Entrance
Intergenerational Intercultural Empathy event By Sharing Circle of Wellness (Hindu Society of Manitoba).
Date: Friday - September 16, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: CN Stage at the Forks
Children’s Voices for World Peace
9th Rotary Elementary School Peace Walk Sponsored by CCUNESCO
September 16, 2022 9:30am CN Festival Stage, The Forks
Free Registration Required
Date: Friday - September 16, 2022
Time: 8:00 PM
Live streaming at:
Date: Tuesday - September 20, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Webinar
Friend of the Charter | $50.00 |
Ticket with Gratitude | $25.00 |
Ticket with Thanks | $10.00 |
Ticket with Donation | $5.00 |
Glad you came | $0.00 |
Date: Tuesday - September 20, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Webinar
Friend of the Charter | $50.00 |
Ticket with Gratitude | $25.00 |
Ticket with Thanks | $10.00 |
Ticket with Donation | $5.00 |
Glad you came | $0.00 |
Date: Tuesday - September 20, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM
The crisis of gender-based violence affects communities in Canada and worldwide. WICC – Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, alongside MCIC members United Church of Canada and three more Canadian churches, is holding a webinar on Tuesday, September 20, from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM CDT.
The event will connect the global Thursdays in Black movement to local actions and initiatives against gender-based violence in Canada. Speakers from the Moose Hide Campaign and justice advocate Danielle Strickland will speak about the actions taking place to eliminate gender-based violence. This session aims to build community and grow the movement for true gender equality and freedom from violence.
Date: Tuesday - September 20, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online -Zoom
We'll speak with Annie Loewen from the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) about their project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that's building peace and food security while preventing sexual and gender-based violence.
Registration URL:
Registration Fee: free
Date: Wednesday - September 21, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR)- in person
To raise awareness about genocide and its prevention showcasing the case of Bangladesh from 1952-1971.
• To educate young people and encourages them to take a firm stand against violations of human rights and the acts of genocide carried out anywhere in the world
• To emphasize upon genocide markers so that genocide early warning is authentic and practical by using a variety of publicly available data and forecasting methods.
• To explore existing curricula-based studies on genocide and mass atrocity prevention.
Organisation: Bangabandu Centre for Bangladesh Studies in Canada and Conflict and Resilience Resarch Institute Canada
Website: www.crric.org
Date: Wednesday - September 21, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Online
The Inter-Council Network (ICN) will be hosting two webinar sessions to share research and best practices on public engagement, on Wednesday, September 21 and Friday, September 23 at 11:00 AM CDT.
In Part 1 on Wednesday, the webinar will explore the results of a six-month research process that drew from a global pool of activists and organizers. This session will touch on practice points and policy recommendations, while focusing on the research process and outcomes.
Part 2 on Friday will bring together members of the international cooperation sector to discuss their public engagement work. The focus of this section will be on best practices and strategies to create a decolonial, anti-racist and feminist public engagement system.
Date: Saturday - September 24, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: The Manitoba Childrens Mueseum
Target Audience: Families with children
Event Desc:
MARL is putting on an exhibit In collaboration with Nuit Blanche, Film for human rights, and The Manitoba Children's Museum. Come by for storytelling, a short-film screening, crafts, and more.
Accessible: y
Public Consent: y
Event Registration:00
MARL is putting on an exhibit In collaboration with Nuit Blanche, Film for human rights, and The Manitoba Children's Museum. Come by for storytelling, a short-film screening, crafts, and more.
Registration Fee: 00
Organisation: Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
Website: MARL.com
Date: Saturday - October 29, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Knox United Church, 400 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg
The Winnipeg Peace Builders Toastmasters and the Rotary Peace Builders are coordinating the 5th annual event for Immigrants and Refugees to network and socialize. Come and celebrate the Peace Days 365 festival 2022 with dance, music and other entertainment! It is an opportunity to connect Professionals, Immigrants and Refugees for career growth while enjoying ethnic snacks. Let’s work for Peace Building by joining the event.
Event Registration:
Open to the public by registering at Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/be-the-change-peace-days-365-festival-tickets-434468445817
Registration URL: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/be-the-change-peace-days-365-festival-tickets-434468445817
Registration Fee: Free
Date: Wednesday - September 13, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Virtual
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30pm
The next instalment of IPPNW Canada’s Active Members Speaker Series features Earl Turcotte. Earl has worked as an advocate in both inside and outside of the Canadian public service. Among his roles, Mr. Turcotte has recently served as Chairperson of the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (2019-2021) and was a member of the G78 Working Group on Arms Control and Disarmament (2015- 2022). Additionally, Mr. Turcotte has worked in multiple positions with the United Nations Development Programme, working to protect and inform populations about the risks and results of conflict, while also developing crisis prevention strategies. He has also worked within Canadian Civil Service organizations such as the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency.
Location: Virtual
RSVP not required! Here’s the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrd-Gqpj4rG9fmGW4f4F2xszVw7pOsMy3f
Fee: Free
Name: Lia Holla
Email: lia@ippnwcanada.ca
Date: Thursday - September 14, 2023
Time: 11:15 AM
Location: Hindu Temple, 999 St. Anne’s Road
Time: 11:15AM - 12:30PM
The Sharing Circle of Wellness will be having a discussion on Belongingness "Many Cultures Many Views". The Discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Vadivambal.
Location: Hindu Temple, 999 St. Anne’s Road
Registration: Please RVSP to Manju Lodha
Fee: $10 (lunch will be provided)
Name: Manju Lodha
Phone: (204) 256-9885
Date: Friday - September 15, 2023
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Time: 9:30AM
We have 850+ students attending from 12 elementary and middle years school in celebration of the 9th anniversary of the CMHR. The theme this year is the Sounds of World Peace. Again this year we have the Zoloto Ukranian Dance ensemble teaching students a few dance steps with the music provided by Folklorama.
Note this is NOT an open public event. Media coverage will be available.
Fee: Free!
Name: Estelle Lamoureux
Email: elamoureux@shaw.ca
Date: Friday - September 15, 2023
Time: 5:45 PM
Location: 129 Dagmar St, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0Z3
Time: 5:45PM
Description: Join us in a public call for a peaceful world. This event aims to address the unrest in East Africa, particularly in Sudan and South Sudan, examining the impact of war and conflicts on both people and the environment. The importance of community needs for peace and belonging will be highlighted. The event will feature panel presentations, cultural foods, and discussions.
We are honoured to have our special guest, Senator Marilou McPhedran join us this evening.
Registration: RSVP via email (director@peacedays.ca) is encouraged, but all are welcome to attend!!
Fee: The activity is free, but donations are welcome to support returnees and refugees affected by war in South Sudan. Donations can be e-transferred to women4womenss@gmail.com or sent to our Centre at 372 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1P8.
Name: Elizabeth Aluk Andrea
Email: eandrea@women4womenmb.ca
Phone: 204-806-1814
Manitoba Women for Women of South Sudan Inc (W4W)
Website: www.women4womenmb.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/women4womensouthsudan/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mw4wss/
Date: Friday - September 15, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online
Time: 7:00 PM
Dive deep into a discussion about the protection of Afghanistan's Judiciary and our collective responsibility. This webinar event will focus on understanding conflict and exploring the roles of governments and civil society in peacekeeping efforts. The event will be accessible, streamed live online via YouTube and Facebook.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian (Please CC all emails to this contact)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Conflict & Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Saturday - September 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online
Time: 7:00 PM
This webinar aims to illuminate the intricacies of the ongoing conflict in Sudan, diving into its historical origins, significant stakeholders, and root causes. The session also seeks to explore possible avenues towards peace, stability, and inclusive governance in Sudan, underlining the critical role of international engagement and collaboration.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Saturday - September 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Art City, 616 Broadway Avenue
Time: 7:00PM
[ART BUILD at Nuit Blanche]
Join us as we bring a message of peace to Winnipeg's annual Nuit Blanche festivities
We will make beautiful paper lanterns to light our way at Nuit Blanche. We'll supply the materials; you bring your artistic spirit. Refreshments will be served.
Location: Art City, 616 Broadway Avenue
RSVP not required! This event is open to all!
Fee: Free
Name: Glenn Michalchuk (Chair of Peace Alliance Winnipeg)
Email: glennmichalchuk@gmail.com
Visit Peace Alliance Winnipeg at: https://www.peacealliancewinnipeg.ca/
Date: Sunday - September 17, 2023
Time: 8:30 PM
Location: Online
Time: 8:30 PM
This webinar focuses on the pressing issues faced by the Rohingya refugees, especially the nearly half a million children trapped in camps, devoid of a promising future. Dive into an insightful discussion emphasizing the global community's role in actively assisting and prioritizing the Rohingya refugees' repatriation, ensuring their dignified and safe return to Myanmar with essential rights and access to fundamental services. The session seeks to inspire hope, discussing potential pathways and solutions leading to the Rohingya crisis's resolution. The importance of education, healthcare, and psychosocial support for Rohingya children will be highlighted, showcasing the need to empower them towards rebuilding their lives for a brighter future.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Dr. Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Monday - September 18, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
[Day 1/3]
Date: September 18th - 20th 2023
Time: 10:00AM - 7:00PM everyday
As the North America coordinator for The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness, Louisa Hext shares perspectives around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution and how they can be used to impact positively on people's lives. The F Word Exhibition was created by The Forgiveness Project, an organisation that uses personal stories to explore how concepts of reconciliation, conflict resolution and dialogue can be used to break cycles of violence and restore hope.
Group tours of the exhibit are available for free - please RSVP as space is filling up quickly!
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
RSVP not required! This event is open to all!
Fee: Free
Name: Louisa Hext
Email: louisa@consultantshext.com
Date: Tuesday - September 19, 2023
Time: 7:00 AM
Location: Online
Time: 7:00AM
Engage with this webinar to delve into the serious nature of war crimes in Ukraine, the hurdles faced during documentation, and the pivotal role of such documentation in ensuring accountability and justice. This session offers an opportunity to collaboratively seek ways to bolster international cooperation, augment support for victims, and emphasize the necessity of upholding human rights during conflict.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Dr. Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Tuesday - September 19, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
[Day 2/3]
Date: September 18th - 20th 2023
Time: 10:00AM - 7:00PM everyday
As the North America coordinator for The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness, Louisa Hext shares perspectives around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution and how they can be used to impact positively on people's lives. The F Word Exhibition was created by The Forgiveness Project, an organisation that uses personal stories to explore how concepts of reconciliation, conflict resolution and dialogue can be used to break cycles of violence and restore hope.
Group tours of the exhibit are available for free - please RSVP as space is filling up quickly!
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
RSVP not required! This event is open to all!
Fee: Free
Name: Louisa Hext
Email: louisa@consultantshext.com
Date: Tuesday - September 19, 2023
Time: 8:30 PM
Location: Online
Time: 8:30PM
Engage in a comprehensive discussion on the current landscape of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This webinar will explore and examine the intertwining dynamics of grassroots movements and politics in shaping the nation's current state and its future projections.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Dr. Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Wednesday - September 20, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
[Day 3/3]
Date: September 18th - 20th 2023
Time: 10:00AM - 7:00PM everyday
As the North America coordinator for The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness, Louisa Hext shares perspectives around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution and how they can be used to impact positively on people's lives. The F Word Exhibition was created by The Forgiveness Project, an organisation that uses personal stories to explore how concepts of reconciliation, conflict resolution and dialogue can be used to break cycles of violence and restore hope.
Group tours of the exhibit are available for free - please RSVP as space is filling up quickly!
Location: Saint Boniface Cathedral
RSVP not required! This event is open to all!
Fee: Free
Name: Louisa Hext
Email: louisa@consultantshext.com
Date: Wednesday - September 20, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online
Time: 7:00PM
While this event is continually evolving with the situation, our goal is to delve into the current repercussions on global food security due to the Ukraine war. Special focus will be given to the disrupted grain deals influenced by Russia.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Dr. Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Thursday - September 21, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM
Time : 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Location : Hindu Temple, 999 St. Anne’s Road
Louisa Hext will deliver a special presentation on Forgiveness which is especially significant during the festival of Samvatsari around 21st of September. After a week of prayers, some fasting and contemplation, Jains ask forgiveness to everyone. In their daily prayers also they ask forgiveness from all life.
As the North America coordinator for The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness, Louisa Hext shares perspectives around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution and how they can be used to impact positively on people's lives. The F Word Exhibition was created by The Forgiveness Project, an organisation that uses personal stories to explore how concepts of reconciliation, conflict resolution and dialogue can be used to break cycles of violence and restore hope.
Fee: Free
Name: Louisa Hext
Email: louisa@consultantshext.com
Date: Friday - September 22, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM
Location: Online
Time: 8:30 AM
This presentation will include speakers from around the world, including the Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, Masud Bin Momen, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Canada, Dr.Khalilur Rahman, & the Director of Peace & Conflict Studies from the University of Manitoba, Dr. Adam Muller. The event will be accessible, streamed live online via YouTube and Facebook.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian (Please CC all emails to this contact)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Conflict & Resilience Research Institute Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Friday - September 22, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Time: 6:30PM
This webinar will keynote Izzeddin Hawamda, PhD Candidate of Peace Studies at the University of Manitoba and Founder of Gaser-Bridge. Having taught a course on conflict-resolution skills in Palestine earlier in the summer, he is looking forward to the exciting new collaboration between Canadian Mennonite University and Najah University’s course centred on examining culturally relevant conflict resolution
The course will be held for 4 days during the period between July 17th and 20th 2023, and will be lectured by Karen Reed and Izzeddin Hawamda.
No registration or fee required. Access our webinar freely via YouTube and Facebook live streaming.
Fee: Free!
Name: Kawser Ahmed
Email: kawser.ahmed@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-451-2541
Alternate Contact: Gehdian W. (Coordinating Intern)
Email: gehdian.wardrope@crric.org
Phone: 1-204-999-8142
Conflict & Resiliency Research Institute of Canada (CRRIC)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@CRRICCANADA/streams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CRRICWEBINAR2021
Date: Saturday - September 23, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Time: 7:00PM
[WALK FOR PEACE at Nuit Blanche]
Join us as we bring a message of peace to Winnipeg's annual Nuit Blanche festivities
We will hold our Walk for Peace, going from venue to venue at Nuit Blanche, with our music, our lanterns and our messages of peace. At the end of the walk we will end up back at City Hall and listen to peace activist speakers, as the area will be dramatically backlit with our lanterns for peace!
Please join us. Bring your friends. Bring your family.
Location: Winnipeg City Hall
RSVP not required! This event is open to all!
Fee: Free
Name: Glenn Michalchuk (Chair of Peace Alliance Winnipeg)Email: glennmichalchuk@gmail.com
Visit Peace Alliance Winnipeg at: https://www.peacealliancewinnipeg.ca/
Date: Thursday - September 28, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Good Earth Coffeehouse Seasons, 455 Sterling Lyon Parkway, Winnipeg, MB R3P 1E9
Time: 7:00 PM
Celebrate Gender Equality Week with the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation at a special edition of Local Brews + Global Views!
On Thursday, September 28th at Good Earth Coffeehouse Seasons, hear from Deborah Northcott, co-founder of Real Humanitarian (formerly Canadian Humanitarian). Real Humanitarian, a MCIC member, is dedicated to assisting disadvantaged children, their families and their communities break free from the cycle of poverty.
Join us for an evening of Fairtrade coffee, conversation, and celebration of gender equality as Deborah shows how Real Humanitarian’s vocational training programs for women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia are advancing gender equality, and an open discussion on the power of educating young women.
Registration: https://www.mcic.ca/get-involved/upcoming-events/event/128
Fee: Free!
Date: Friday - November 3, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Join our panelists as they discuss the path to global nuclear disarmament, the intersectionality of human rights and nuclear proliferation, and the collective role we play in shaping a nuclear-weapons free future. Entry to the CMHR is FREE after 5:00PM. The Panel Discussion begins at 6:30PM until 8:30PM. All are welcome to attend this FREE panel, please RSVP to reserve your seats.
Our speakers:
Dr. Ira Helfand - Immediate past president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (1985 Nobel Peace Prize), and co-founder and past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Hon. Marilou McPhedran - Independent Senator for Manitoba, human rights lawyer, professor, and activist and one of the leading parliamentarians calling for Canada to sign the TPNW.
Kazuhiro Iguchi - Teacher at the Kansai Soka High School in Osaka, Japan, and the coordinator of Learning Cluster, a global citizenship program.
Visit youthnuclearpeacesummit.org
Questions? Contact info.ynps@gmail.com
Date: Sunday - November 12, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Fort Gary United Church, 800 Point Road Winnipeg, MB R3T 3L8
Time: 2:00PM - 5:00PM
The Winnipeg Peace Builders Toastmasters and the Rotary Peace Builders are coordinating the 6th annual event for Immigrants and Refugees to network and socialize. Come and celebrate the Peace Days 365 festival 2023 with dance, music and other entertainment! It is an opportunity to connect Professionals, Immigrants and Refugees for career growth while enjoying ethnic snacks. Let us work for Peace Building by joining the event.
Registration: www.eventbrite.ca/e/be-the-change-2023-peace-days-365-festival-1-tickets-729356604237?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete
This free event was brought to you by the Winnipeg Peace Builders Toastmasters.